Our little darlings!

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I presume if you clicked through to read this post you are blessed with a teenage girl around the same age as Alice. Alice at 14 is taller than me with a very slim frame and a definite passion for fashion! She attends a strict Catholic girls school where they measure the girls skirts and are very much ‘old school’ in their thinking. So how would I describe what she likes and how she dresses… I think I am fortunate that she doesn’t particularly wear make up, isn’t into crop tops and I guess I would describe her as a young 14. She doesn’t like dresses that are too figure hugging, she loves a playsuit or jumpsuit (a post for another time) and tends to steer towards a mini dress normally. She definitely isn’t keen on a midi length dress like me!!

She loves clothes and has just started to borrow the odd thing of mine (Chanel handbag included) Personally and this is very much my own view I like her to look her age not dress like an 18 year old. That however is not easy. I truly believe that there is a huge gap in the market for girls around Alice’s  age. Its kind of in between age in the Fashion industry! She used to dress completely in Boden! Gorgeous pretty dresses, stripes and flowers! The likes of Next kids, Monsoon and Boden just don’t cut it for her now, the style of clothes are just too babyish.

So where do we go? I guess it is slightly easier because Alice is fairly tall. If you pick the correct dresses from some women’s ranges it works. This post is really just about dresses. Mainly casual day dresses that would be ‘our ‘choices. Not really for an occasion but just for Spring/Summer and easy to wear. I realise that this is a very personal thing and believe me I know how fussy girls are!!


First the obvious place to go is Zara


All dresses are women’s Zara Mini dresses

It is funny because even though Alice is wearing black in the above picture I am actually not a fan of black on young girls. I am not sure why really. The selection of dresses above are I feel fun but still not too grown up..

Another selection from various websites below:


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I hope I have been of some help…or maybe every dress will be greeted with the word ‘yuck’ or ‘are you joking?’ I love having a daughter and I love that she loves clothes. It is a challenge though isn’t it…I guess that is what makes it fun!


Thank you for reading




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